DD-IX Peering and Joining Policy


This policy governs the conditions and guidelines for peering at DD-IX.


DD-IX is the Internet exchange point for Dresden and all of Saxony. As a non-commercial and open platform, we are available to all Internet stakeholders for multilateral exchange of Internet traffic.

The DD-IX is operated by committed people of the DD-IX Dresden Internet Exchange e.V. The DD-IX Dresden Internet Exchange e.V. is a registered association under German law.


Despite the fact that we have an open policy, each peer must permanently meet the following requirements for participation:

  • peers must be legal entities
  • peers must only engage in legal activities that comply with German jurisdiction
  • peers are responsible for fulfilling the technical requirements for participation.

Peering Application

The following information must be provided when applying for peering:

  • the completed peering application form
  • acceptance of this policy
  • acceptance of the payment terms
  • proof of legal existence.

Peering Costs

The recurring costs of a peer result from the booked network ports and the value-added services at the IXP.

Peers are required to pay the peering costs according to the agreed payment terms. Outstanding payments may result in suspension or termination of peering ports at the discretion of the DD-IX.

Responsibilities and Guarantees

DD-IX provides a platform for exchanging network traffic, with peers responsible for:

  • their own routing and peering agreements with other peers
  • establishing a justified route selection and efficiently traffic routing
  • peering with the DD-IX route servers
  • security and integrity of their AS.

DD-IX is operated with a lot of commitment for a continuous and trouble-free operation. However, as a non-commercial platform, no legal guarantee for service levels can be given.

Suspension and Termination

In case of important reasons, the DD-IX can suspense or terminate peering ports at any time for the following important reasons:

  • for security and stability reasons
  • violation of the peering requirements
  • repeatedly outstanding payments.

A peer may terminate its participation at any time. A refund of peering costs is generally excluded.

Technical Requirements

In addition to the legal requirements for participation, the following technical requirements must also be met by each peer:

  • peers require to have a physical connection to one of DD-IX point of presence
  • only a single static MAC-address is allowed to be used on a peering port (single port or LAG)
  • peers must never route or announce the peering prefix via IGP nor EGP
  • peers are only allowed to use assigned L3 addresses on the peering broadcast domain
  • peers must be authorized to announce at least one DFZ routable prefix that comply with the filters of the DD-IX route servers
  • peers must maintain IRRDB records
  • peers are encouraged to maintain a PeeringDB record
  • peers are encouraged to peer with the DD-IX route servers
  • peers are encouraged to apply strict route filters
  • peers must never direct traffic via static routing to other peers without their consent
  • the MTU on the peering LAN is 1500 octets
  • Proxy-ARP must be turned off

Route Servers

Two distributed route servers are available in the peering broadcast domain. All peers are encouraged to setup peering sessions to the route servers and announce their prefixes for a optimal connectivity to the other peers.

Private Network Interconnect

Peers can book PNIs as value-added services for a private broadcast domain between two network ports at any DD-IX point of presence under the following conditions:

  • PNIs are setup between two network ports using 802.1Q tagging
  • only a single static MAC-address per 802.1Q tag is allowed to be used on a port
  • peers agree on their own routing and peering policy


Interested peers can get free consulting to connect to DD-IX. We support you in your search for the optimal connection option and put you in contact to carriers and data center operators.