BCIX Roundtable 2023

Published: Oct 15, 2023 | Author: Leni

(Photo: BCIX)

One day after the release of the website, on 21.09.2023, the 2nd BCIX Roundtable of the year took place in Berlin. On this occasion, DD-IX was invited by BCIX contributors to perform in public for the first time. Melody and Tassilo did an excellent job presenting the DD-IX.

After further program points and a dinner together, the participants found time to exchange among themselves. Thereby new knowledge was exchanged in interesting conversations, as well as support from other IXP's and various companies was offered.

Besides the first public presence of the DD-IX, the BCIX showed its new branding for the first time in public.

Together with the new branding, the new vision was also presented: to support each other within the community in order to promote small IXP's and a decentralized, local Internet.

We would like to thank Melody and Tassilo for the elaboration and presentation of the DD-IX with matching slides and of course BCIX for the opportunity to be on stage. We are looking forward to future cooperation.

Products Slide

Our slides are online available.